Drawing conclusions


Match the investigation conclusion in the right hand column to the statement of the investigation aim in the left hand column.

Does ice made from salt water melt faster that than ice made from tap water?

The plants with fertiliser grew faster than the ones without fertiliser.

Do younger people have better memories than older people?

The thicker rubber bands fired the projectile further than the thin ones.

Does drawing curtains closed reduce the rate of heat loss from a room?

There was no difference in the time it took for the balls to fall to the ground.

Which type of batteries last longest?

Playing music to plants does not make them produce more flowers.

Do thick rubber bands store more energy than thin ones?

Ice made from tap water melts faster that ice made from salty water.

Does fertiliser make plants grow taller?

The alkaline batteries lasted longer than the ordinary batteries.

Do heavier balls fall quicker than the lighter ones?

The older people remembered the items more consistently than the younger people.

Does music make plants flower more?

Drawing the curtains kept the room warmer for longer than when they were open.
